What is Mindfulness?
Mindfulness is the latest buzzword in wellness circles...But, mindfulness is not something new. It’s been around for more than 2 000 years and is a powerful life skill.
In essence, it’s paying attention to our moment-by-moment experiences with an attitude of kindness and curiosity.
It’s awareness, direct perception, being attentive, awake and present.
It is about ‘coming back to our senses’ – it is natural and an intuitive state of presence in which we feel more connected, real and alive.
Practice Mindfulness with Nan, by appointment only.
Benefits of mindfulness
Mindfulness can help reduce stress, prevent burnout, build resilience and empower you to be happier! By training in mindfulness, your relationship with your emotions begins to change – facilitating other positive transformations in your life and deepening your sense of wellbeing and fulfilment.
​Mindfulness can:
Make you a happier person
Lower stress and anxiety and prevents burn out
Diminish your tendency to become depressed and /or anxious
Boost your immune system
Slow down the ageing process
Help you deal with chronic pain on less medication
Help you develop more empathy and self-compassion
Mindfulness promotes a way of being that helps us to take better care of ourselves and lead healthier lives. It also enables us to access inner resources for coping effectively with stress, difficulty and illness.
Mindfulness Facilitation Testimonials

I just wanted to say thank you, after a year from beginning my 8 week course with you. I can say in no uncertain terms that you provided me with a toolbox that I use every day. It's not rocket science - it's simple techniques that have changed my perspective and have altered how I react to the stuff life throws at me! Simple but not easy - practice makes perfect.
- Jo Eyre

The Mindfulness Course with Nan has enhanced my sense of wellbeing and overall happiness. It has improved my relationships with my children, husband, friends and work colleagues and has also taught me to be kinder to myself. Most of all, it has given me practical tools to head out into the world with, which will enable me to live more skillfully. Belinda’s blog: www.makingmountains.co.za/2015/06/01/mindfulness-for-beginners/
- Belinda Mountain

Thank you Nan for a life changing 8 weeks. I have suffered from anxiety all my life and as a result almost always stressed. This has at times spilled over into a mild panic disorder which resulted in being less functional than I would like to have been. Within the first 4 weeks of the course I already started to feel different and to sleep better. I can say that I am much calmer, less stressed, happier and more positive as a direct result of the course. My chronic shoulder pain has improved greatly! I have a better perspective and I am making better life choices. Amazing.
- Bonita Lee Shew

I thoroughly enjoyed the course, and found it very practical. I definitely left understanding mindfulness, as well as being equipped with a practical tool box to use. I would highly recommend your program as well as your passion for the subject. And my wife Natalie has already signed up for your September course. Thank you once again for a wonderful experience.
- Wolfgang von Ey

I'm an 'in-my-head', distracted person. I've struggled to focus on work when I'm working and on play when I'm playing. Mindfulness has helped me come a long way in slowing down, and quietening my mind and being much more present. The kindness practises, as well as the focus on other guiding principles of Mindfulness have fundamentally changed my levels of tolerance and acceptance of imperfection in myself and others. Nan is a great teacher. She conveys the concepts in a very easy to understand way. She creates a comfortable, safe learning and growth environment. I can highly recommend Mindfulness and specifically Mindfulness Africa’s 8 week programme led by Nan, to everyone. This is life changing stuff (whether you think you need a change or a prod or a shift or not). I wish I'd learnt this when I was a teenager.
- Brett Lewis

What I particularly enjoyed about our weekend retreat was the integration between the indoor, outdoor and everyday mindfulness. I found my awareness was awakened by the mindfulness drinking, eating, movement and walking. The last morning I found particularly moving when we mindfully walked up Temple Hill - with minds like the sky, the wide open blue sky, up through the golden winter grasses - with the singing bowl's gonging bringing our minds back. I loved sitting quietly on the rocks, fully present in all the senses - the sounds, smells, sights - and the wind and the wildness of the dry and brittle Groot Marico countryside - waiting for the rains. Thank you Nan for a really special weekend.
- Jen Prangley

My wife, Diedre, and I attended the 10-day new year retreat with Rob Nairn and Nan at the Tara Rokpa Centre The measure of a good retreat, I guess is the longevity of the impact and as we reflect back on that week almost two months ago, Diedre and I can honestly say that the benefits have been sustained, not just through our (now daily) meditation practice but also in the teachings by both Rob and Nan. We would highly recommend the retreat for anyone. it is a really great "reset" and the perfect way to start the new year.
- Deidre Moller
& Rob Surtees.

I took part in Nan's 8 week Mindfulness Course and benefited incredibly. The weekly structure with guided meditations and readings helped me continue to practice and gain discipline. I also found Nan's 4 Ways method very helpful as a beginner. It's helped to structure the meditations in short manageable meditations during the day. Since then, I have noticed a new found focus and relaxation in my daily life. The experience has been invaluable to me and my continued practice.
Thank you.
- Makandal Schiess

I definitely benefited from Nan's 8 week course and am so much better at controlling my anxiety through the breathing and grounding. I absolute found it to be so life enriching. It will take time to master, but baby steps and I will get there. Very informative and Nan’s way of teaching and sharing comes from a compassionate space. I’ll definitely recommend the course to friends. Thanks so much.
- Mariaan Schoeman

I spent a very productive morning learning about mindfulness from Nan. As a complete beginner, I felt completely comfortable with the way Nan presented the material. She drew from various sources, in particular Rob Nairn, and explained each new concept simply and clearly. I left inspired to incorporate mindfulness into my life and with the practical techniques I need to make that happen.
- Margie Harris

I just wanted to send you a little note to express my thanks again for such a wonderful weekend retreat in nature, at TRC. You have a remarkable ability to put people at ease and to carry them through a process of self-reflection and change as they bring mindfulness techniques to life. I found the weekend to be exactly what I needed in so many ways. Such lovely people! Happy memories.
- Lucy Lightfoot

I heartily recommend Nan as a purveyor and instructor of religion neutral mindfulness training. Her seamless coordination of body and mind awareness has drastically improved my practice and experience of mindfulness on the cushion and in the world. 10/10.
- Adam Salmon

You will not regret giving yourself the gift of a weekend retreat in nature at Tara Rokpa Centre. The mindfulness retreat with Nan was insightful and healing & I would recommend it to anyone.
- Athena Lazarides

I found Nan's intensive elaboration of sitting posture very helpful in really understanding the importance of paying attention to the physiological processes underpinning posture during mindfulness meditation practise.
- Anton Krueger

Read Dana's wonderful blog about the weekend Mindfulness retreat at TRC: http://danainafrica.com/?p=610.
- Dana Dwyer